Did you ever think about plants who makes your room glow, without any electricity consumption, no bills? no hectic? also environment friendly too.

few mashroms typs plants glowing in the night.
Image Source - Google Images

Well a scientist named Dr. Karen Sarkisyan make this true. No doubt This invention held up a new stream in home decor and " In the future this technology can be used to visualise activities of different hormones inside the plants over the lifetime. it can also be used to monitor plant responses to various stresses and changes in the environment,such as drought or wounding by herbivores." said by Dr. Karen Sarkisyan who also the CEO of Planta, the startup that leading this work and a researcher at Imperial Collage London.

"We really hope to bring this to the market in a few years from now, once we make them a bit brighter, once we make the ornamental plants with this new technology and once of course they pass all existing safety regulations. "he added

This technology based on the glow which produced by the chemical that naturally present in plants - Caffeic Acid . 
Sarkisyan and a team of colleagues based in Autria and Russia report that how they inserted genes from a bio-luminescent mushroom called Neonothopanus nambi into the DNA of a tobacco plants.

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